# friends [x]

[[* loveex __ `


[[* wishlist __ `

**more time**
**more friends**
**longer hair**
**levis jeans**
**travel to Europe (Rome and paris)**

[[* feeling __ `

[[*DaR links


[[ credits *

bl0gger `
bl0gskins `


Name: Vanvan
School: Nanyang poly
First Cry: 13th Aug 1986
Horoscope: Leo

Previous Posts

Thursday, September 30, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

lots of riduiculous things happen these days.. dun feel like toking abt them cos they are quite sensitive issues of others... im simply going mad with everything that is going on around me... i went to watch white chicks today... it was veri veri funny but somehow or rather i couldnt bring myself to laugh out at first... it was hard cos im not able to concentrate on the movie... but ltr on i was able to blend into it... mayb bcos the story plot itself was good.. really worth watching... tmr is finance ica3.. but didnt really study..heck care... think will fail...

everlasting friendship at 10:28 PM
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Monday, September 27, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

wendy and me Posted by Hello

everlasting friendship at 6:19 PM
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.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

monday again... didnt blog for a few days bcos no time... saturday went out wif mel n teng.. very blur forget to bring keys den kana locked out.. lucky teng still at jp when i call her... get her to acconpany me till around 11pm... haha...
sunday got a dinner near my grandma's house... my dad invited his workers to the dinner den got 1 drunk le keep toking crap.. made the atmosphere so embarrasing cos everyone look at our table.. so irritated... reached home around midnight den still stayed up to prepare the speech for today's presentation...
as for today, went to junction 8 wif wendy after presentation cos still veri early jus now... we took quite a number of neo prints... published one below... haha... quite like that one.... exams timetable oso out le.. 1st paper is on 14th oct, biz law.. last paper is on 22nd oct, marketing management.. hai~ must start studying le...


everlasting friendship at 6:16 PM
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Friday, September 24, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

feeling veri tired, both physically n emotionally... used to think dat i can control my life veri well, buti began to have doubts now.. if i really have control, why must i do all the kinda things i dislike n refrain from doing the things i like... nites seemed so long now... i cant sleep well, and keep having all sorts of funny n weird dreams... my dark rings dunno when den can disappear.. i didnt even have dark rings when i prepare for 'o' levels, den this sem like everyday got dark rings.. life in school simply sucks...

everlasting friendship at 11:26 PM
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

tired tired.. left 3 more projects den i am freed from project work.. jus cant stand ppl who onli noe how to use their mouth and say but dont bother to give their best(one person in particular).. this person simply just sucks... it has been exactly a week without a maid.. my family seems to cope well with it.. actually last time also try to live without maid but veri hard cos nobody do the housework.. this time around can mayb because my mum not working so she can do the housework in the day slowly.. not really much change for me.. just need to walk up and down to pour water myself only.. so sometimes veri tired den top up a few bottles bring up to my room at one go.. haha.. lazy ppl is liddat wan... wanna go cruise during the holidays.. yesterday went to check the price.. abt $400 for 4days 3 nites going to phuket... anybody interested?? haha.. should b towards the last or 2nd last week of the holidays.. cos must wait for my friends finish their attachment..


everlasting friendship at 9:10 AM
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Sunday, September 19, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

yesterday was a long long day.. i met melmel in the afternoon for lunch n went to terence's birthday in the late afternoon... mayb bcos of the watermelon ice blended i took in the afternoon, i suffered frm a terrible stomach cramp at nite... so sorrie to terence... couldnt take the pain so left earlier..{vanvan says: sorrie, terence} hai~ tmr no class but need to go for project.. so sian... these few days oso dunno wat to do.. year end planing to go bangkok but i think now going cruise le cos teng's parents dun wan go le.. my mum thinks is dangerous for 3 gers to go bangkok.. mothers are all the same... nutting to write le.. got to stop here... coa toking to too many ppl online... veri busy.. cant really concentrate on wat im writing..


everlasting friendship at 10:59 PM
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Friday, September 17, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

hurray.. at last i enjoyed a friday... meet up with some friends den go pub together for drink.. feeling a bit tipsy now.. but still veri enthusiatic to share with everyone out there my excitment.. everything turn out so rite todae.. mayb bcos nv go sch... haha.. on the way, met an ex-collegue on the bus, den to my amazment he still recognise n tok to me.. not like some ppl out there, know me but pretend not to know.. he changed a lot so almost cant recognise him on the first look.. but we alighted at the same stop, i sit behind him he still bother to let me walk in front of him when we are alighting.. although i think he is not veri high educated, still more gentleman den some educated guys.. *guys out there, feel ashame, cos education seems not much help to develop ur character* den at the pub i ordered a drink wif quite a fuuny name dat i cant remember.. veri high in alcohol so exchanged wif sharon for her snowball(name of the cocktail)... cos before reaching there i suffered from gastric so cannot take so acidic drink... feel so nice jus sitting down n tok.. hope can at least have a nite like this monthly... this can add some joy to my dull life...


everlasting friendship at 11:45 PM
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Thursday, September 16, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

no really unique happen todae except a funny incident that happened on the train on my way home.. everything is so routine... tmr not going to sch.. at last can sleep well at home... everyday waking up b4 6:30 am... can die if i continue this way.. i read in teng's blog about betrayal, one of my friend faced some sort of a "betrayal" todae.. i began to doubt how can we believe in others? how can we judge whether are they sincere in begin friends or are they just here because they dun haf a choice? sometimes we tend to judge a person by its cover, but it often turn out that it is rotten inside. i really doubt where are the kinda true friends everyone emphasize? it is only human when people think that the mistakes they commit is no big deal. but have they ever realise, even if they made the effort to make up, the people who loved them, had already been hurt... okie, put aside all these stuff.. so sad..

back to the fun trip i had this afternoon. everything was normal until a mother with a pair of twins(a boy n a ger) boarded.. they were playing on their seats, den there is a guy sitting beside them... the little boy actually took the arm and shoulder of the guy as a back rest and the expression the guy have on his face was extremely hilarious.. didnt know whether he should push him away annot... but i guess that little boy love his arms.. sat there so comfortably n the mother didnt realise it at all.. haha.. poor guy... these things really brighten up my days.. the smiles of the children made me feel that life isnt as dark afterall..


everlasting friendship at 8:21 PM
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

u were the one dat brought me out of the dark, u were the one who taught me love, u were the one whom i respected, idolised and loved.. i thought we always will be what we were.. i yearn to grow up because i wanted freedom,if i realise that growing up will bring me away from u, i wouldn't have wanna grow up so fast.. i often recall the warmth of ur hug, the laughter we once shared, those were the times who helped me thru' the obstacles i faced... u made me realise that blood relations wasn't important at all, u made me believe that distance didn't separate our hearts. den, can u tell me what has happened that caused things to turn out this way.. why are u blowing hot and cold at me? i once thought our ties had changed over time, but i was always proven wrong, u still care.. i talked to my parents about this matter, they said," u r wrong. everyone in the family can tell that both of you share a unbreakable ties." at every gathering, u behave in a different way, sometimes u don't even bother to talk to me, sometimes u held me tight. we had known each other for a lifetime, mayb every thing has its quota, and u have given all your love for me.. however i am still grateful of everything u have done for me.. i am contented as long as u still hold my hand once in a while.. this made me feel u still care for me.. and i know u still do, it is just because of some unknown reasons, that left u in a morale dilemma... time can change anything, but time cannot wash away memories that were engraved deeply within us.. i will always treasure this unique relationship we have, a brother, a friend.

p.s: no matter what happens, u will always have a part of me. this i promise u...

everlasting friendship at 9:06 PM
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.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

at the zoo... Posted by Hello

everlasting friendship at 8:19 PM
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.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

just had a hard time finishing the ICT project yesterday... had a hard time doing the contract part cos nobody knows how the foramt of a contract goes.. i actually got a version from uncle jimmy but it seems insufficient cos ours was a lot more shortert than other groups.. in the end, need to call Gavin for help cos mum says he study law should be veri familiar with the format.. in the end, we didnt really do much for the contract part besides editing the country to Singapore.. after the completion of this project, we still had biz law and marketing management on hand... dunno when den "jie tuo" entirely... watched man on fire last nite oso.. but like veri sad leh... the lead actually sacrifice himself for the little ger in the end... so touching but sad... i like veri long nv watch movies with happy ending le... mayb even the directors nowadays oso realise that there is no such thing as living happily ever after...


everlasting friendship at 9:06 AM
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Monday, September 13, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

hai~projects like never ending... jus passed up efma todae den tmr must do ict... after dat thursday must do marketing... tough life.. thurs still got family and youth work ica{35%}... so many things to mermorise.. life seems to be about work, work and more work... just tok to my mum yeaterday dat i wanna go take 'A' levels chinese this coming holidays.. cos my holiday like veri sian... melmel n my holidays doesn't tally at all... so bad!! so long never see her le... exams start on the 18 oct... must start to study le.. especially marketing.. todae get back the first ica onli get 45/50... can die... must buck up a lot... dats all folks...


everlasting friendship at 8:02 PM
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Sunday, September 12, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

yesterday no time to write cos too tired after the trip to the zoo... the place didnt really change much ever since the las time(pri 5) i went... tot got chance to watch the animals shows but onli get to watch the sea lions'.... before dat, met amanda for dinner den sat down and chit-chat after that.. recalled quite a lot funny things in the past... maybe life is not at sympathetic afterall...

everlasting friendship at 6:10 PM
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Friday, September 10, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

Rachael my youngest cousin & me.. Posted by Hello

everlasting friendship at 11:19 PM
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.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

wat is friendship? i tot this is sumthing that would last for life.. i agree that begin a couple may lead to break up cos it is not easy for 2 ppl to live together... but, friends to me, are pillars of strength.. we laugh and cry together.. we share joy n pain but dun really interupt each other life.. this make friendship an easier relationship to maintain than love.. however, i realise things are not as simple as i tot.... as i grow older i am not able to make true friends... melmel says friends cum and go in life, but issit so hard jus to say hi once in a while, issit so hard jus to msg a gd nite now and then to show that u never forget? i always tot once a friends, always one... well, at least i found quite a number of them before i stepped into poly life... i still keep in touch wif them.. meet for dinner once in blue moon, but the ties are still there... we dun meet veri day, but i could feel that they care... isn't it ridiculous when ppl i meet every day, make mi feel that i am nothing to them.. mayb yes, im nothing.. bcos i really doubt we would ever say hi again after we graduate from school.. wendy as an exceptional ba... i remember melmel once tell mi, : wat is life when it is death from the start? wat is death when there is no life at all? however, i feel, : wat are friends when nobody really care? who to care when there is no friends at all.....

everlasting friendship at 10:50 PM
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.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

in the past, fridaes stand for fun.. now stands for school.. every week need to study till 9pm.. so sian... im still veri tired now.. havent really recover my energy.. not enough sleep... dat day tok to melmel on msn found out dat she next week holiday le.. dunno when will i get mine.. so jealous of her.. waiting for biz law lecture now.. push forward by 1 hr... tell mi when i reach yishun.. if not i can sleep an hour ltr.. hai~~ tmr going to the zoo with teng.. her company's family day at the zoo but she got friends to go.. looking forward to it.. veri long never meet dat gang of friends le.. the last gathering was a fun trip at the beach...


everlasting friendship at 12:33 PM
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Wednesday, September 08, 2004

.x Friends foreva; enemies never x.

hai~ if not for wendy, i wont even tink of creating this blog... feel so funny letting ppl noe abt my life... dun really like this idea cos i dun really like to share my life with everyone... one week break over le... now working towards the exams... this afternoon got National Education talk.. got one 2nd lieteuent is an ex-nyp student.. not too bad looking but look a bit old for his age.. den oso go watch anacordas 2.... so scary.. haha... keep jumping up when that huge creature appear.. pull my frend till she so scared her top will tear.. haha.. vanvan still veri timid when it comes to watching horror/scary movies.. so sian still got more than 3 hrs to go.. wanna watch soccer match at 225am.. den skip 9am finance lecture tmr so can sleep... *{bad student}* dats abt all for todae.. nutting more to write le.. i will try to update this blog as frequent as possible... quite hard but will try lah...


everlasting friendship at 11:13 PM
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