monday again... didnt blog for a few days bcos no time... saturday went out wif mel n teng.. very blur forget to bring keys den kana locked out.. lucky teng still at jp when i call her... get her to acconpany me till around 11pm... haha...
sunday got a dinner near my grandma's house... my dad invited his workers to the dinner den got 1 drunk le keep toking crap.. made the atmosphere so embarrasing cos everyone look at our table.. so irritated... reached home around midnight den still stayed up to prepare the speech for today's presentation...
as for today, went to junction 8 wif wendy after presentation cos still veri early jus now... we took quite a number of neo prints... published one below... haha... quite like that one.... exams timetable oso out le.. 1st paper is on 14th oct, biz law.. last paper is on 22nd oct, marketing management.. hai~ must start studying le...